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How To Make Braces For Kids Results Last

How to Make Braces for Kids Work and Results Last Orthodontics Arts OKC

Kids Braces Are Braces For Kids Worth It? Getting Braces For Kids What Is The Average Age For Kids Getting Braces? Managing Your Child's Braces How Orthodontic Care Can Help Orthodontic treatment is often the first step in achieving a healthy and confident smile. But how can you assist your child in preserving their orthodontic [...]

Does a Night Guard Help Sleep? 

Does a Night Guard Help Sleep? Orthodontic Arts OKC.

Night Guards Teeth Grinding in Sleep How to Treat TMJ & TMD What are Mouth Guards For? Visit Orthodontic Arts for a Night Guard A night guard is a dental tool recommended for people experiencing low-quality sleep. This poor sleep is often due to grinding or clenching their teeth at night, snoring, or having headaches […]

Best Toothbrush for Braces

Best Toothbrush for Braces Orthodontic Arts OKC.

Wearing braces is an investment in your oral health and a significant step towards achieving a perfect smile. However, to ensure that your braces are effective, you must always keep them clean.  Brushing With Braces How to Keep Your Braces Clean What Can Happen if You Don't Clean Your Braces Properly? Why It's Harder to [...]

8 Things To Know About Your Permanent Retainer 

What To Know About Your Permanent Retainer

A permanent retainer is a single wire made of metal or a strong fiber permanently bonded to your teeth with a unique adhesive. It is not entirely “permanent” because there is no time limit for wearing this retainer. They are an excellent option for those who want to maintain their newly aligned teeth without the […]

Teeth Straightening After Braces

Teeth Straightening After Braces orthodontic Arts OKC.

If you’re like most people, braces were a time in your life you wanted to get through quickly. The only benefit was having straight teeth when it’s all said and done. Unfortunately, some people don’t realize that the teeth straightening process continues after you take your braces out. Realignment can look different for each person, […]

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Braces

How to Overcome Your Fear fo Braces with Orthodontic Arts OKC

We all want straight teeth. But the fear of braces put on your teeth is common among people of all ages considering orthodontic care. The thought of having metal brackets and wires attached to your teeth for months or even years can be overwhelming and cause feelings of self-consciousness & embarrassment. Contents Is It Normal […]

Orthodontist vs Dentist – What’s The Difference?

Orthodontist vs Dentist. What's the Difference?

When we think of general dental care, we often think of teeth cleanings, filling cavities, and correcting crooked teeth with everyone’s favorite dental device, braces. But should you see a general dentist (also known as a family dentist) or an orthodontist? What’s the difference? Orthodontist vs dentist? Who should you see first? No worries, we’ll […]

History of Orthodontics

History of Orthodontics.

The dental practice of orthodontics has a long, complicated history. Orthodontics has come a long way from its beginnings to be the safe, beneficial service it is today. There have been many pivotal moments that define orthodontics. These moments pushed the practice into modernity and changed the industry. Here at Orthodontic Arts, we’ve broken down […]

Smiles That Inspire – Deuel Burk

Orthodontic Arts Smiles That Inspire: Deuel Burk

Shoes & Smiles It’s not every day that you meet a 16-year- old that is one of nine kids in his family, owns a customized shoe business AND plays for the number one volleyball team in the nation. “I play competitive volleyball for a club based in Tennessee named C2 Attack. You can always find […]

How Long Do Retainers Last? When To Get A Replacement Retainer

How long do retainers last?

Most retainers won’t last you for the rest of your life. So eventually, you’ll need a replacement retainer to keep your teeth straight. We’ve all heard from orthodontists and dentists about how important it is to wear your retainer once you have had your braces removed. In most cases, you should wear a retainer for […]