How To Deal With Invisalign Pain And Discomfort
June 17, 2020How To Deal With Invisalign Pain And Discomfort
Invisalign is an excellent option for straightening teeth, but it can sometimes cause some discomfort, pain, or soreness. Usually, the pain is less when compared to traditional braces and can vary in intensity from individual to individual. Most people describe Invisalign pain as pressure or discomfort as their teeth are shifting into their new position.
The most common times, people experience pain with their aligners is when they first start using Invisalign and when switching to a new aligner tray. The reason it can be painful is that your teeth are moving into a new position for the first time. Your mouth isn’t accustomed to this new shift, and it can be uncomfortable. Whenever you insert a new aligner, you are shifting your teeth just a little bit more into a new position. Your teeth may be sore for a couple of days afterward. Some people only experience pain for a few days, while others may experience it throughout their treatment.
Remember that the aligners are moving your teeth into a new position. If you feel a small amount of pain or discomfort, it might just mean that your teeth are adjusting and shifting into their new position. It can be a sign that they are working as intended. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything you can do to reduce Invisalign pain.
If you are experiencing pain from your Invisalign, there are several things you can do to help alleviate it.
Use an icepack, cold compress, or even a bag of peas for Invisalign Pain
(if that is all you have available.)
Putting something cold against your skin will help reduce swelling and numb the painful area. By reducing swelling, you can help
minimize some of the pain.
Use the cold compress, icepack, or bag of frozen veggies for up to ten minutes at a time. Don’t put it directly against your skin. Instead, you should wrap the ice in a piece of cloth or towel. You can repeat this several times throughout the day.
Drink cold water
This trick works similarly to using a cold compress. Drink cold water to help gently numb the sore area. You can drink water while still wearing your aligners, so you don’t need to take them out. Avoid sugary drinks like juice or soda that can cause cavities and are harmful to your teeth.
Suck on ice cubes
Sucking on ice cubes will also help to numb the area affected by Invisalign pain. You don’t need to take out your aligners when you do this. Be careful to suck on the ice cubes, and do not chew them. Chewing on hard ice may cause you unnecessary pain because teeth can become sensitive to biting into hard foods while wearing Invisalign.
Avoid eating hard foods like nuts
When your teeth are sore, you should avoid eating hard foods like nuts or crackers because it can be painful when you chew them. Stick to soft foods that won’t cause you pain when you bite into them like bread, hummus, tuna, or hard-boiled eggs.
Use over the counter painkillers
You can always use ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, or other over the counter painkillers to help with Invisalign pain. Follow the directions for use and recommended dosage as listed on the medication.
If you commonly experience Invisalign pain after changing your aligners, you can take an over the counter painkiller prior to changing the aligner to help prevent the pain from happening at all.
Use Orajel for Invisalign Pain
Orajel is a topical pain killer that can be applied directly to your teeth or gums where you are experiencing pain or soreness. It will temporarily numb the area. Make sure to take out your aligners so you can apply the Orajel directly to the painful area.
Make sure your Invisalign is seated correctly
When you insert your aligners, make sure they are snapped into place and pushed in completely. If your aligners aren’t fitted correctly against your teeth, they can feel uncomfortable and put unnecessary pressure on your teeth. An improperly seated aligner may cause pain because it is pulling your teeth into the wrong position.
Don’t take your aligners out too often
Invisalign should be worn for 22 hours a day. You should only take them out to eat, drink, or brush your teeth. Some people have said that they experienced less pain by wearing their aligners a little longer and reducing how often they removed them.
If you accidentally leave your aligners out for too long and then put them back in, they may fit more snugly because your teeth have adjusted. This can be a cause of Invisalign pain while your teeth readjust to the aligners.
Start new aligners before bed to avoid Invisalign Pain
When it is time to start new aligners, insert them a few hours before bed instead of in the morning. This will give your teeth time to become accustomed to their new position while you sleep. It can help alleviate Invisalign pain because you will sleep through the initial adjustment period and because you aren’t taking the aligners in and out to eat.
Stay on schedule
Your aligner trays are designed to be changed on a specific schedule. This is tailored to you with the intention of minimizing pain while still achieving straightened teeth. Don’t try and rush your Invisalign by switching aligners ahead of schedule.
Rinse your mouth with saltwater for Invisalign pain relief
Occasionally, Invisalign can cause mouth sores if they are rubbing against your gums or tongue. If this happens, you can clean the sores by using saltwater to swish around your mouth before spitting out.
Be patient
It isn’t uncommon for patients to experience more pain when they first start using Invisalign. As they grow more accustomed to the aligners and their teeth get used to shifting, many patients report a reduction in discomfort. Sometimes you need to tough it out for a little while and give yourself time to adjust to the new norm. After you’ve been using Invisalign for a few months, your pain may have completely subsided or become significantly reduced.
At the end of the day, Invisalign is usually less painful than more traditional methods of teeth straightening. Many people only report mild discomfort or a feeling of pressure when they wear their aligners. If you do experience Invisalign pain, there are many things you can do to help minimize it.
Orthodontic Arts, your number one Orthodontist in OKC. Our Certified Orthodontist provides the latest and greatest Orthodontic practices to our clients in the OKC and Midtown area. Orthodontic Arts is the best place for child and teen orthodontics as well as adult orthodontics. Be sure to ask about Invisalign and invisible braces! Contact us today at (405) 604-3745 or request an appointment.