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Post Title Deep overbite is the most damaging to the teeth, and the health of the jaw joints of all bite disorders-it happens when the upper front teeth nearly overlap the lower front teeth. It also affects the aesthetics of the face. Often the lower teeth are 'bell-shaped' pointing outwards and the lower teeth's top [...]
Damon Braces What Are Damon Braces? Damon braces are a popular method for orthodontic treatment. This is a little different from conventional braces. It incorporates the use of brackets that close around the wire, rather than using rubber bands. If you ask what the advantages of using damon braces are, many points can be brought up. If you are […]
Post Title Patients often ask about the top teeth braces because either they have straight lower teeth or because they feel that they are not as visible, so they don't see the point. More often than not, there's someone interested in braces only on the bottom of the teeth. There are many factors which go [...]
Excessive space between the upper and lower front teeth, often called an “overjet”, is one of the most common orthodontic problems seen in adolescent patients. Although it may appear to be a problem with the position of the teeth, it is most often a problem with the position of the upper and lower jaws. Read more about why we use a herbst appliance to correct this issue at our practice.
Post Title When the lingual braces are attached for the first time or adjusted for the first few times you may feel a little discomfort inside your mouth. Soft food, easy for chewing, is your best choice for braces and sore mouths. While these diets help to control inflammation, they also safeguard the brackets so [...]
Post Title You probably have already checked out some options online and have found some different doctors where you live if you are thinking of straightening your teeth. But is it important that you straighten your teeth at the right place for your braces in OKC at the correct price? We believe this and to explain why [...]
Post Title Can Adults Get Braces? It feels excellent to smile. There are no age limits for you to feel comfortable and to make your smile better. Orthodontic therapy using braces is available at any age. It's only for teenagers, many people think, but it's not. Teeth can be fixed at any time. At any [...]
Post Title There are people who are born with a wonderful set of teeth and an amazing smile. If you are one of them, you are a lucky one. If not, we can make it better for you. People generally have one of two types of biting issues, an overbite or an underbite. It happens [...]
Post Title You must have thought a lot before choosing to get clear aligners. You have weighed the pros and cons, cost, treatment process, time span, results and everything needed. In general, a patient needs to wear aligners 22 hours a day. Patients usually always follow the treatment …….. but some go astray as time [...]
Post Title Applying an aligner to your teeth and starting the journey of straightening teeth is a new experience. Hence, it is possible that you will gather both good and awkward experiences. The common awkward experiences may make you worry about the effectiveness of the aligners and you may want to stop wearing them. So [...]